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#ifndef _NTRTL_H



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This enumeration defines types of AppContainer SIDs.

Applicable to


NotAppContainerSidType (0)

The SID is not an AppContainer SID since it doesn't belong to SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_AUTHORITY (15) identification authority with SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_BASE_RID (2) as the first sub-authority or has less than SECURITY_BUILTIN_APP_PACKAGE_RID_COUNT (2) sub-authorities. In other words, the SID doesn't look like S-1-15-2-*.

ChildAppContainerSidType (1)

The SID is a child AppContainer. Child AppContainers belong to SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_AUTHORITY (15) identification authority with the first sub-authority equal to SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_BASE_RID (2) and have SECURITY_CHILD_PACKAGE_RID_COUNT (12) sub-authorities, SECURITY_PARENT_PACKAGE_RID_COUNT (8) of which come from its parent AppContainer. The values for sub-authorities come from a SHA256 hash of the downcased child/parent AppContainer moniker. In other words, the SID looks like S-1-15-2-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-y-y-y-y where the x part is inherited from the parent and the y part is derived from the child moniker hash.

ParentAppContainerSidType (2)

The SID is a parent AppContainer. Child AppContainers belong to SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_AUTHORITY (15) identification authority with the first sub-authority equal to SECURITY_APP_PACKAGE_BASE_RID (2) and have SECURITY_PARENT_PACKAGE_RID_COUNT (8) sub-authorities, The values for sub-authorities come from a SHA256 hash of the downcased AppContainer moniker. In other words, the SID looks like S-1-15-2-x-x-x-x-x-x-x.

InvalidAppContainerSidType (3)

The SID appears similar to an AppContainer SID but has an invalid structure.

Required OS version

This function was introduced in Windows 8.1 alongside the support for child AppContainers.


You can create AppContainer profiles via Win32 API CreateAppContainerProfile. The function returns a parent AppContainer when invoked outside of the AppContainer sandbox context and a child AppContainer when invoked while running as a parent AppContainer. To construct an AppContainer SID without creating an AppContainer profile, use Win32 APIs DeriveAppContainerSidFromAppContainerName or DeriveRestrictedAppContainerSidFromAppContainerSidAndRestrictedName. Note that in Win32 terminology, child AppContainers are called restricted AppContainers.

See also