Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTWMI_H

typedef struct _CM_PERF_COUNTERS
    ULONGLONG       OpenedKeys;                 // number of kcbs in the system
    ULONGLONG       DelayCloseKCBs;             // number of kcbs in delay close
    ULONGLONG       PrivateAllocPages;          // number of pages used by the private allocator for kcbs
    ULONGLONG       PrivateAllocFree;           // number of fixed size allocations which are currently free
    ULONGLONG       PrivateAllocUsed;           // number of fixed size allocations which are currently in use
    ULONGLONG       LookupCacheHit;             // cache hit
    ULONGLONG       LookupCacheMissFound;       // cache miss but key was opened from the hive
    ULONGLONG       LookupCacheMissNotFound;    // cache miss; key does not exist
    ULONGLONG       ViewMap;                    // number of times we mapped a view
    ULONGLONG       ViewUnMap;                  // number of times we mapped a view
    ULONGLONG       HiveShrink;                 // number of times we have shrunk a hive


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