ConsoleControl - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTUSER_H

 * Performs special kernel operations for console host applications. (user32.dll)
 * This includes reparenting the console window, allowing the console to pass foreground rights
 * on to launched console subsystem applications and terminating attached processes.
 * @param Command One of the CONSOLECONTROL values indicating which console control function should be executed.
 * @param ConsoleInformation A pointer to one of the  structures specifying additional data for the requested console control function.
 * @param ConsoleInformationLength The size of the structure pointed to by the ConsoleInformation parameter.
 * @return Successful or errant status.
    _In_ CONSOLECONTROL Command,
    _In_reads_bytes_(ConsoleInformationLength) PVOID ConsoleInformation,
    _In_ ULONG ConsoleInformationLength


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