Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTIOAPI_H

 * The FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION structure contains standard information of a file.
 * \remarks EndOfFile specifies the byte offset to the end of the file.
 * Because this value is zero-based, it actually refers to the first free byte in the file; that is, it is the offset to the byte immediately following the last valid byte in the file.
    LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize;       // The file allocation size in bytes. Usually, this value is a multiple of the sector or cluster size of the underlying physical device.
    LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile;            // The end of file location as a byte offset.
    ULONG NumberOfLinks;                // The number of hard links to the file.
    BOOLEAN DeletePending;              // The delete pending status. TRUE indicates that a file deletion has been requested.
    BOOLEAN Directory;                  // The file directory status. TRUE indicates the file object represents a directory.


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This structure is documented in Windows Driver Kit.