#ifndef _NTLDR_H
// rev from InitializeEnclave
* Initializes an enclave that you created and loaded with data.
* @param ProcessHandle A handle to the process for which the enclave was created.
* @param BaseAddress Any address within the enclave.
* @param EnclaveInformation A pointer to the architecture-specific information to use to initialize the enclave.
* @param EnclaveInformationLength The length of the structure that the EnclaveInformation parameter points to, in bytes.
* For the ENCLAVE_TYPE_SGX and ENCLAVE_TYPE_SGX2 enclave types, this value must be 4096. For the ENCLAVE_TYPE_VBS enclave type, this value must be sizeof(ENCLAVE_CREATE_INFO_VBS), which is 36 bytes.
* @param EnclaveError An optional pointer to a variable that receives an enclave error code that is architecture-specific.
* @return NTSTATUS Successful or errant status.
* @remarks https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/enclaveapi/nf-enclaveapi-initializeenclave
_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,
_In_ PVOID BaseAddress,
_In_reads_bytes_(EnclaveInformationLength) PVOID EnclaveInformation,
_In_ ULONG EnclaveInformationLength,
_Out_ PULONG EnclaveError
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