LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTLDR_H

    _In_opt_ PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES ModuleInformation,
    _In_opt_ ULONG Size,
    _Out_ PULONG ReturnedSize


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Use for enumerate modules loaded with current process.


Required minimum size is sizeof(SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION) (4 bytes).

Example results

Name Path Res01 Res02 Address Size Flags ID Rank w18
EnumModules.exe D:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/MyProject... BAADF00D 00000000 00400000 00016000 00005000 000 0006 65535
ntdll.dll C:/WINNT/System32/ntdll.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77F60000 0005F000 00004004 001 0001 65535
KERNEL32.dll C:/WINNT/system32/KERNEL32.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77F00000 00060000 000C4006 002 0002 65535
USER32.dll C:/WINNT/system32/USER32.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77E70000 00055000 00084006 003 0006 65535
GDI32.dll C:/WINNT/system32/GDI32.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77ED0000 0002C000 00004006 004 0005 65535
ADVAPI32.dll C:/WINNT/system32/ADVAPI32.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77DC0000 0003F000 000C4006 005 0004 65535
RPCRT4.dll C:/WINNT/system32/RPCRT4.dll BAADF00D 00000000 77E10000 00057000 000C4006 006 0003 65535

See also