LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTLDR_H

// rev from ResolveDelayLoadedAPI
 * Locates the target function of the specified import and replaces the function pointer in the import thunk with the target of the function implementation.
 * @param ParentModuleBase The address of the base of the module importing a delay-loaded function. (NtCurrentImageBase)
 * @param DelayloadDescriptor The address of the image delay import directory for the module to be loaded.
 * @param FailureDllHook The address of a delay-load failure callback function for the specified DLL and process.
 * @param FailureSystemHook The address of a delay-load failure callback function for the specified DLL and process.
 * @param ThunkAddress The thunk data for the target function. Used to find the specific name table entry of the function.
 * @param Flags Reserved; must be 0.
 * @return The address of the import, or the failure stub for it.
 * @remarks https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/devnotes/resolvedelayloadedapi
    _In_ PVOID ParentModuleBase,
    _In_ PCIMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR DelayloadDescriptor,
    _In_opt_ PDELAYLOAD_FAILURE_SYSTEM_ROUTINE FailureSystemHook, // kernel32.DelayLoadFailureHook
    _Out_ PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA ThunkAddress,
    _Reserved_ ULONG Flags


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