NtCreateKey - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTREGAPI_H

 * Creates a new registry key routine or opens an existing one.
 * @param[out] KeyHandle A pointer to a handle that receives the key handle.
 * @param[in] DesiredAccess The access mask that specifies the desired access rights.
 * @param[in] ObjectAttributes A pointer to an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies the object attributes.
 * @param[in] TitleIndex Reserved.
 * @param[in, optional] Class A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that specifies the class of the key.
 * @param[in] CreateOptions The options to use when creating the key.
 * @param[out, optional] Disposition A pointer to a variable that receives the disposition value.
 * @return NTSTATUS The status of the operation.
    _Out_ PHANDLE KeyHandle,
    _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
    _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
    _Reserved_ ULONG TitleIndex,
    _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING Class,
    _In_ ULONG CreateOptions,
    _Out_opt_ PULONG Disposition


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#ifndef _NTZWAPI_H

    _Out_ PHANDLE KeyHandle,
    _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
    _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
    _Reserved_ ULONG TitleIndex,
    _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING Class,
    _In_ ULONG CreateOptions,
    _Out_opt_ PULONG Disposition


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This function is documented in Windows Driver Kit.

See ZwCreateKey in NT DDK or 2000 DDK for detailed description.

See also