#ifndef _NTEXAPI_H
* The NtCreateSemaphore routine creates a semaphore object, sets the initial count of the semaphore to the specified value,
* and opens a handle to the object with the specified desired access.
* @param SemaphoreHandle A pointer to a variable that receives the semaphore object handle.
* @param DesiredAccess The access mask that specifies the requested access to the semaphore object.
* @param ObjectAttributes A pointer to an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies the object attributes.
* @param InitialCount The initial count of the semaphore object.
* @param MaximumCount The maximum count of the semaphore object.
* @return NTSTATUS Successful or errant status.
_Out_ PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
_In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
_In_opt_ PCOBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_In_ LONG InitialCount,
_In_ LONG MaximumCount
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#ifndef _NTZWAPI_H
_Out_ PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
_In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
_In_opt_ PCOBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_In_ LONG InitialCount,
_In_ LONG MaximumCount
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Function NtCreateSemaphore
creates Semaphore Object with or without name in Object Namespace, and sets initial and maximum releases number.
Result of call - pointer to HANDLE
to Semaphore Object.
Access rights to Semaphore Object. Can be one of:
Optional pointer to OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
structure containing semaphore's name.
Initial state of semaphore. Typically the same as MaximumCount
Maximum releases number.