NtNotifyChangeKey - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTREGAPI_H

 * Notifies of changes to a registry key.
 * @param KeyHandle Handle to the registry key.
 * @param Event Optional handle to an event to be signaled.
 * @param ApcRoutine Optional APC routine to be called.
 * @param ApcContext Optional context for the APC routine.
 * @param IoStatusBlock Pointer to an IO status block.
 * @param CompletionFilter Filter for the types of changes to notify.
 * @param WatchTree Whether to watch the entire tree.
 * @param Buffer Optional buffer for change data.
 * @param BufferSize Size of the buffer.
 * @param Asynchronous Whether the operation is asynchronous.
 * @return NTSTATUS Successful or errant status.
    _In_ HANDLE KeyHandle,
    _In_opt_ HANDLE Event,
    _In_opt_ PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine,
    _In_opt_ PVOID ApcContext,
    _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
    _In_ ULONG CompletionFilter,
    _In_ BOOLEAN WatchTree,
    _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer,
    _In_ ULONG BufferSize,
    _In_ BOOLEAN Asynchronous


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#ifndef _NTZWAPI_H

    _In_ HANDLE KeyHandle,
    _In_opt_ HANDLE Event,
    _In_opt_ PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine,
    _In_opt_ PVOID ApcContext,
    _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
    _In_ ULONG CompletionFilter,
    _In_ BOOLEAN WatchTree,
    _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer,
    _In_ ULONG BufferSize,
    _In_ BOOLEAN Asynchronous


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This function is documented in Windows Driver Kit.

See also