// signed operations
// Strongly consider using unsigned numbers.
// Signed numbers are often used where unsigned numbers should be used.
// For example file sizes and array indices should always be unsigned.
// (File sizes should be 64bit integers; array indices should be size_t.)
// Subtracting a larger positive signed number from a smaller positive
// signed number with RtlIntSub will succeed, producing a negative number,
// that then must not be used as an array index (but can occasionally be
// used as a pointer index.) Similarly for adding a larger magnitude
// negative number to a smaller magnitude positive number.
// intsafe.h does not protect you from such errors. It tells you if your
// integer operations overflowed, not if you are doing the right thing
// with your non-overflowed integers.
// Likewise you can overflow a buffer with a non-overflowed unsigned index.
// RtlLongLongSub
_In_ LONGLONG llMinuend,
_In_ LONGLONG llSubtrahend,
_Out_ _Deref_out_range_(==, llMinuend - llSubtrahend) LONGLONG* pllResult
NTSTATUS status;
LONGLONG llResult = llMinuend - llSubtrahend;
// Subtracting a positive number from a positive number never overflows.
// Subtracting a negative number from a negative number never overflows.
// If you subtract a negative number from a positive number, you expect a positive result.
// If you subtract a positive number from a negative number, you expect a negative result.
// Overflow if inputs vary in sign and the output does not have the same sign as the first input.
if (((llMinuend < 0) != (llSubtrahend < 0)) &&
((llMinuend < 0) != (llResult < 0)))
*pllResult = LONGLONG_ERROR;
*pllResult = llResult;
return status;
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