RtlQueueApcWow64Thread - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
#ifndef _NTRTL_H

    _In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
    _In_ PPS_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine,
    _In_opt_ PVOID ApcArgument1,
    _In_opt_ PVOID ApcArgument2,
    _In_opt_ PVOID ApcArgument3


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Queues a WoW64 user-mode Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) on the specified thread.



To execute the APC, the thread must first enter an alertable wait via NtDelayExecution (or a similar function) or call NtTestAlert. Note that user APCs on the Native API level have three parameters in contrast with the Win32 APCs that only have one.

To specify the reserve object or use special user-mode APCs, see NtQueueApcThreadEx and NtQueueApcThreadEx2.

Note that user APCs on the Native API level have three parameters in contrast with the Win32 APCs that only have one.

Implementation details

This function uses Wow64EncodeApcRoutine and then calls NtQueueApcThread.

Related Win32 API

See also