RtlUnalignedStringCchLengthW - NtDoc

Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
  _In_ LPCUTSTR    psz,
  _In_ _In_range_(1, NTSTRSAFE_MAX_CCH) size_t  cchMax,
  _Out_opt_ _Deref_out_range_(<, cchMax) size_t*     pcchLength  OPTIONAL
  Routine Description:
  This routine is a version of RtlStringCchLength that accepts an unaligned string pointer.
  This function returns an NTSTATUS value, and not a pointer.  It returns
  STATUS_SUCCESS if the string is non-null and the length including the null
  terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters.
psz         -   string to check the length of
cchMax      -   maximum number of characters including the null terminator
that psz is allowed to contain
pcch        -   if the function succeeds and pcch is non-null, the current length
in characters of psz excluding the null terminator will be returned.
This out parameter is equivalent to the return value of strlen(psz)
psz can be null but the function will fail
cchMax should be greater than zero or the function will fail
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -   psz is non-null and the length including the null
terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters
failure        -   you can use the macro NTSTATUS_CODE() to get a win32
error code for all hresult failure cases
It is strongly recommended to use the NT_SUCCESS() macro to test the
return value of this function.

            _In_reads_or_z_(cchMax) STRSAFE_PCUNZWCH psz,
            _In_ _In_range_(1, NTSTRSAFE_MAX_CCH) size_t cchMax,
            _Out_opt_ _Deref_out_range_(<, cchMax) size_t* pcchLength)
    NTSTATUS status;

    if ((psz == NULL) || (cchMax > NTSTRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        status = RtlUnalignedStringLengthWorkerW(psz, cchMax, pcchLength);

    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) && pcchLength)
        *pcchLength = 0;

    return status;


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  _In_ LPCUTSTR    psz,
  _In_ _In_range_(1, NTSTRSAFE_MAX_CCH) size_t  cchMax,
  _Out_opt_ _Deref_out_range_(<, cchMax) size_t*     pcchLength  OPTIONAL
  Routine Description:
  This routine is a version of RtlStringCchLength that accepts an unaligned string pointer.
  This function returns an NTSTATUS value, and not a pointer.  It returns
  STATUS_SUCCESS if the string is non-null and the length including the null
  terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters.
psz         -   string to check the length of
cchMax      -   maximum number of characters including the null terminator
that psz is allowed to contain
pcch        -   if the function succeeds and pcch is non-null, the current length
in characters of psz excluding the null terminator will be returned.
This out parameter is equivalent to the return value of strlen(psz)
psz can be null but the function will fail
cchMax should be greater than zero or the function will fail
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -   psz is non-null and the length including the null
terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters
failure        -   you can use the macro NTSTATUS_CODE() to get a win32
error code for all hresult failure cases
It is strongly recommended to use the NT_SUCCESS() macro to test the
return value of this function.
// ...

#define RtlUnalignedStringCchLengthW   RtlStringCchLengthW


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