#ifndef _WINSTA_H
// The WINSTATIONLOADINDICATORDATA structure defines data used for the load balancing of a server.
ULONG RemainingSessionCapacity; // The estimated number of additional sessions that can be supported given the CPU constraint.
LOADFACTORTYPE LoadFactor; // Indicates the most constrained current resource.
ULONG TotalSessions; // The total number of sessions.
ULONG DisconnectedSessions; // The number of disconnected sessions.
LARGE_INTEGER IdleCPU; // This is always set to 0.
LARGE_INTEGER TotalCPU; // This is always set to 0.
ULONG RawSessionCapacity; // The raw number of sessions capacity.
ULONG reserved[9]; // Reserved.
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This type is documented in the [MS-TSTS] specification.