#ifndef _NTPSAPI_H
* The PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION structure contains extended basic information about a process.
_In_ SIZE_T Size; // The size of the structure, in bytes. This member must be set to sizeof(PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION).
NTSTATUS ExitStatus; // The exit status of the process. (GetExitCodeProcess)
PPEB PebBaseAddress; // A pointer to the process environment block (PEB) of the process.
KAFFINITY AffinityMask; // The affinity mask of the process. (GetProcessAffinityMask) (deprecated)
KPRIORITY BasePriority; // The base priority of the process. (GetPriorityClass)
HANDLE UniqueProcessId; // The unique identifier of the process. (GetProcessId)
HANDLE InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; // The unique identifier of the parent process.
ULONG Flags;
ULONG IsProtectedProcess : 1;
ULONG IsWow64Process : 1;
ULONG IsProcessDeleting : 1;
ULONG IsCrossSessionCreate : 1;
ULONG IsFrozen : 1;
ULONG IsBackground : 1; // WIN://BGKD
ULONG IsStronglyNamed : 1; // WIN://SYSAPPID
ULONG IsSecureProcess : 1;
ULONG IsSubsystemProcess : 1;
ULONG IsTrustedApp : 1; // since 24H2
ULONG SpareBits : 22;
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This structure defines the extension to the basic information about the process.
with ProcessBasicInformation
(0)Specifies the size in bytes of the valid portion of this structure's header.
The basic information. See PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION
for more details.
A bit mask of various flags about the process.
The process is full- or light-protected.
value of ProcessProtectionInformation
Indicates that the process is 32-bit and runs under the WoW64 emulation.
value of ProcessWow64Information
(26)The process is terminating and its object is marked for deletion.
The process was created cross-session.
The threads in the process are suspended and cannot be resumed until the process is unfrozen.
The process belongs to a background job.
The process has a strong package identity.
The process runs in Isolated User Mode (IUM).
This field was introduced in Windows 10 TH1 (1507).
The process is a Pico or a WSL process.
This field was previously known as IsPicoProcess
This field was introduced in Windows 10 RS1 (1607).
value of ProcessSubsystemInformation
(75)This structure was introduced in Windows 8.